Thursday, October 1, 2009

I am focused on Well-Being

Rock Gap Rd, West Virginia by David Clow - Maryland

I am effective, successful and happy as I focus on Well-Being. I ride the stream of Energy to my desires. Woohoo! I look for things to appreciate in every segment of the day and I find them everywhere. All that I desire flows into my life for my delight. I am comfortable and happy with feeling good. I love when my desires manifest and I love anticipating them. I just have fun all along the way! I open to Well-Being more and more and more. I remember who I am and how this all works and I have fun with it all. I am so healthy! My body is fit and agile, strong and vibrant with life-giving Energy. My home is peaceful and quiet. I hear the birds and the wind in the trees. The life I want, that fits the best of me is all around me. My future is bright and beautiful. I have finally caught up to the life that I was meant to live and the way I intended to be. There are only good things for me and for my world. I am filled with love and wonder and breathless joy at the Love of God in me and moving through me and every area of my life and my world. Thank you, Beloved All That Is, Abraham, Inner Being, Animal Friends, The Brotherhood of the Fifth Dimension, Gray Eagle, Wolf, and my Loving Vibrational Family and Friends. @>----

I glory in this fabulous day!!!!!


Annie said...

This is wonderful Suzanne and I totally agree! xoxo

Suzanne said...

Thank you, Annie. Your happiness shines across the miles.